General Information
Year Released 1986
Card Numbers 1a-41a and 1b-41b
Number of Cards to Make a Numerical Set 82
Number of Variation Cards 6
Number of Cards to Make a Complete Variation Set 88
Total Number of Different Wrappers 2
Section Last Updated January 1, 2015
Card and Wrapper Variations
Card Variations
Wrapper Variations
Printable Card and Wrapper Variation Checklist
     You can either click the following link to open the variation checklist in a new window and print it out, or you can right-click the following link and save the variation checklist to your computer.  United Kingdom Garbage Pail Kids 1st Series Card and Wrapper Variation Checklist
Card Image Samples
First card of the United Kingdom Garbage Pail Kids 1st Series Last card of the United Kingdom Garbage Pail Kids 1st Series
Card checklist of the United Kingdom Garbage Pail Kids 1st Series
Comparison List
     The following list compares the card numbers and character names of the United Kingdom Garbage Pail Kids 1st Series to the United States Garbage Pail Kids.  The United Kingdom Garbage Pail Kids 1st Series card number and character name are listed first.  The United States Garbage Pail Kids Series is listed next.  The United States Garbage Pail Kids card number and character name are then listed.  This list will allow you to see what artwork was used for a certain card number, it will allow you to see how the series was arranged, and it will allow you to compare the names of the characters.  The United Kingdom Garbage Pail Kids 1st Series cards with an asterisk before the number are different than the United States Garbage Pail Kids 1st Series.
     Excluding the packaging and card size, the United Kingdom Garbage Pail Kids 1st Series is almost the same as the United States Garbage Pail Kids 1st Series.  The card variations are exactly the same, but there are different character names used for thirteen of the cards (5b Creepy Terry, 6a Mart Apart, 11a Itchy Mickey, 12a Furry Frances, 15a Ailin' Alan, 18b Bad Bob, 19a Corroded Charlie, 20b Kinky Dickie, 24a Nervy Nigel, 24b Nerdy Norman, 31a Run Down Rachel, 35a Wrinkly Rikki, and 41a Mean Dean).
Additional Notes
     The United Kingdom Garbage Pail Kids 1st Series packs only contain "a" cards or "b" cards (i.e., not a mixture of "a" cards and "b" cards), and each pack only contains three cards.  Usually, the boxes contain packs with "a" cards or packs with "b" cards (i.e., not a mixture of both types of packs), which is why an "a" box and a "b" box is needed in order to make a complete card set.  On rare occasion, a box will contain a mixture of packs with "a" cards and packs with "b" cards.  There is no way to tell apart an "a" box from a "b" box unless you look through the semi-transparent wrappers to see if the packs contain "a" cards and/or if the packs contain "b" cards.
     There are United Kingdom Garbage Pail Kids 1st Series packs with the code 0-494-0-8.  There are clear areas at the top and bottom of the packs.  These packs were distributed in Australia, but they contain United Kingdom Garbage Pail Kids 1st Series cards.  The ingredient listings on the back of the packs are in English, Finnish, and Swedish.  The following text is printed on the back of the wrappers:
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All images and information may not be reproduced without permission.