     I created this section to give credit to the people who have helped me with this website in one way or another.  Their help was extremely important, and there were certain things that I would not have been able to do without them.  Thanks everyone for all of your help.
     Special thanks to the following contributors for their monetary donations, item donations, and help with locating items: Laura Atkinson, Chad Bumgarner, Chris Butterfield, Daniel Derkits, David Detweiler, Brian Dorsey, Todd Firestone, Jason Follbaum, Diego Gonzalez, Rebecca Goodwin, Joyce Hickey, Michelle Jonas, Eric Lindley, Michael Little, Jack Lockwood, Dylan Martin, Mycah Mattox, Matt Oldweiler, Cory Pierce, Jason Rogers, Scott Ryder, and Lee Sessions.
Contributor What They Contributed
Ken Anderson
Garbage Pail Kids thumbnail overview images - used in the United States Garbage Pail Kids Series 1-15 sections
Stuart Arnold
full translation of a German newspaper article to English - used in the Germany Garbage Pail Kids section
Chris Basciano
loaned the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 3 Wal-Mart display - used in the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 3 section
Aaron Booton
Garbage Pail Kids patch image and the United States Garbage Pail Kids 5th Series yellowed cards image - used in the Fakes section
rough sketch of the United States Garbage Pail Kids 9th Series character 343a Con Vic / 343b Al Catraz - used in the Models section
a few of the black and white final drawings of the unpublished United States Garbage Pail Kids 16th Series comics - used in the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 1 section
Roger Carothers
provided information on the copyright and non-copyright cards found in the Canada Garbage Pail Kids 3rd Series boxes - used in the Canada Garbage Pail Kids section and the United States Garbage Pail Kids Series 3 section
Lonnie Cummins
painting of the United States Garbage Pail Kids character 346a Peeled Paul / 346b Skin Les that needed to be reworked - used in the Models section
Terrance Everett
provided extensive help with proofreading and error checking - for the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 1 section
David Fairchild
loaned the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 2 error card - used in the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 2 section
loaned the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 4 error cards - used in the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 4 section
provided card details and error card information for several items - used in the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 6 section
Todd Firestone
scan of B3 bonus box price sticker - used in the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 3 section
Tony G.
photograph of the full "a" card fronts separation sheet for the unpublished United States Garbage Pail Kids 16th Series - used in the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 1 section
scans of each character from the "a" card fronts separation sheet for the unpublished United States Garbage Pail Kids 16th Series - used in the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 1 section
Diego Gonzalez
help gathering information and help gathering a variety items - for the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 1 section
help gathering information and help gathering a variety items - for the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 2 section
help gathering information and help gathering a variety items - for the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 3 section
help gathering information and help gathering a variety items - for the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 6 section
Brian Hammack
article on the bootleg Garbage Pail Kids uncut sheets - used in the Fakes section
scans of uncut sheets - used in the Fakes section
Jack Lockwood
photographs of the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 3 Wal-Mart display box - used in the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 3 section
David McCune
scan of B3 bonus box price sticker - used in the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 3 section
Ryan Nickel
scans of the Garbage Pail Kids glass plates - used in the Fakes section
Mindy Pait
scan of a letter from Topps Consumer Relations that was in response to a request for bonus card B2 Carl Wreck - used in the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 7 section
Cory Pierce
loaned scratch 'n stink insert slip - used in the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 3 section
scan of a letter from Topps Consumer Relations that was in response to a request for bonus card B2 Carl Wreck - used in the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 7 section
Ryan Primmer
scan of two letters from Topps Consumer Relations that were in response to a request for bonus card B2 Carl Wreck - used in the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 7 section
Ray Priola
additional information and comparision scan of the white insert slip - used in the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 1 section
John Prough
scan of a white insert slip - used in the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 1 section
Cindy Sellers
scan of two letters from Topps Consumer Relations that were in response to a request for bonus card B2 Carl Wreck - used in the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 7 section
Matt Stafford
pictures of Garbage Pail Kids clothing, a Garbage Pail Kids doll, a Garbage Pail Kids foil balloon, a Garbage Pail Kids guitar, a Garbage Pail Kids pin, and a Garbage Pail Kids wristwatch - used in the Fakes section
photographs of the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 1 first and third print 16-box cases - used in the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 1 section
scan of a white insert slip - used in the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 1 section
Christopher Ware
loaned several error cards for examination and scanning - used in the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 2 section
photographs of the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 2 16-box cases - used in the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 2 section
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Copyright © 1998-20XX Wayne's Garbage Pail Kids References
All images and information may not be reproduced without permission.