- Mike Buckley: |
created two watercolor paintings, which were of 104a Silent
Sandy / 104b Barren Aaron (from the United States Garbage Pail
Kids Series 3) and 137a Max Axe / 137b Deadly Dudley (from the
United States Garbage Pail Kids Series 4). He began by
tracing out his design on watercolor paper and then painted
the picture with watercolor paints. He finished the
paintings with a gloss polymer medium. He used a unique,
puncture technique for texturing the paper, which was done by
pressing pointy objects (very small screwdrivers, pins, etc.)
into the back of the paper. Each painting measures
10" x 14". |

- Gabe Crate: |
is a professional cartoonist who has worked on television shows
such as The Tick and The Flickers. Gabe created the See Ya'
Sia artwork for a friend for her birthday. |

- Trenton Doyle Hancock: |
is a professional artist that is also a huge Garbage Pail Kids
fan. His artwork has been shown in galleries in New York,
such as the James Cohan Gallery.
Trenton put together a large
scale book of his work. The book was comprised of his
stories and the paintings that illustrate those stories.
It is the world's very first monographic novel. With the
help of PictureBox Inc., Trenton was able to get his book published.
You can now purchase his book, titled "Me A Mound",
at various online book stores.
Trenton created a promotional card
for the book. Since he is a fan of Garbage Pail Kids,
the artwork on the front of the card shares the Garbage Pail
Kids painting style and also incorporates one of the mounds
from his book. Trenton personally signed the back of the
card he had given me. |

- Dave Johnson: |
is a long-time Garbage Pail Kids collector, and he wanted to
create a Garbage Pail Kids character on his own. He came
up with around 20 different concepts, and he chose to fully
design the one that appealed to him the most. He began
by creating a pencil sketch of the character. Then, he
scanned in the sketch and finished the artwork using Adobe
Photoshop. Even though Dave's painting experience was
limited, he studied some Adobe Photoshop tutorials on the
Internet and was able to "paint" his character
using the software.
Dave originally numbered the Slicin' Dyson character as
1d. The "d" in the number 1d stands for
"Dave". He later added in the Chopped Louie
character and numbered it 1c.
Dave does know that his character does not fully follow the
Garbage Pail Kids artwork style, but it was a good first effort
and learning experience. One of his goals is to get at
least one of his paintings or concepts used on a Garbage Pail
Kids card. |

- Robert West: |
created six different Garbage Pail Kids paintings back in 2002
and 2003. He showed the paintings on the last day of the
2003 San Diego Comic-Con International. The paintings were done on
a variety of canvas sizes (14" x 18", 20" x
30", 24" x 30", 24" x 48", and
30" x 40"). Five paintings were done in acrylic,
and one painting was done in oil pastel.
His paintings were of: 4a Fryin' Brian
(from the United States Garbage Pail Kids Series 1 - acrylic on
canvas - 24" x 30"), 7a Stormy Heather / 7b April Showers
(from the United States Garbage Pail Kids Series 1 - acrylic on
canvas - 20" x 30"), 9a Boozin' Bruce (from the United
States Garbage Pail Kids Series 1 - acrylic on canvas - 30" x
40"), 68b Dizzy Dave (from the United States Garbage Pail Kids
Series 2 - acrylic on canvas - 24" x 48"), 457a Sally
Suction / 457b Teethin' Trina (from the United States Garbage Pail
Kids Series 11 - oil pastel on canvas - 14" x 18"), and
487b Maimed Mamie (from the United States Garbage Pail Kids Series 12
- acrylic on canvas - 24" x 30").
Robert had also created a GPK-style
painting of his daughter. Obviously, he wanted a more innocent
and non-gross look to the character since it was his daughter.
The painting was done in acrylic paint on canvas, and it measures
11" x 14". |

- Derek Yu: |
created four pieces of Garbage Pail Kids artwork for a contest on an
artist forum. The theme of the contest was the Four Horsemen of
the Apocalypse. The Four Horsemen could be designed any way you
wanted to design them. The goal of the contest was to spark
creativity. Since Garbage Pail Kids were a huge part of Derek's
childhood, he decided to design Garbage Pail Kids characters as the
Four Horsemen. Derek also felt that it was possible to find real
Garbage Pail Kids cards that could fit the description of each of the
Horsemen. He tried to make the theme a little darker than
regular Garbage Pail Kids cards, and he gave each of the characters
an evil hobby-horse to ride on.
The characters were first sketched
on paper with pencil and then scanned in to use as reference.
All of the cards were painted in Adobe Photoshop. Adobe
Illustrator was used to create the sticker outlines and logos.
Each painting took approximately 10 to 20 hours, and Derek worked on
them on and off for about a month and a half.
From the Wikipedia website,
"The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
are mentioned in the Bible in chapter six of the Book of Revelation,
which predicts that they will ride during the Apocalypse.
The Four Horsemen are traditionally named: War, Famine, Pestilence,
and Death. However, the Bible actually only names one: Death." |

- Kris: |
is a Garbage Pail Kids fan from Nazareth, Pennsylvania. He created
sculptures of some of the characters from the original Garbage Pail Kids
series. He provided details about each of the sculptures, which can
be read below.
The first sculpture shown is of the United
States Garbage Pail Kids 3rd series character 87a Hot Head Harvey / 87b
Roy Bot. Kris wrote about the sculpture: "'Roy Bot' is a
sculpture based on Garbage Pail Kids card #87b. It is constructed
primarily of cardboard and Styrofoam. The armature is wooden dowels
and 3/8" aluminum bars. It started as a bald Cabbage Patch Kid
Head spray painted with metallic silver paint. The arms and legs
are black-plastic discharge hose from a hardware store. The missiles
and missile chambers are orange electrical wire nuts and thread spools
respectively. The rear of Roy Bot, which obviously is not visible
on the card, has some improvised details. There are telephone wire
jacks and telephone wires affixed to the rear of Roy Bot. Additionally,
there are hazardous chemical labels positioned on the rear fuel
tank. The Roy Bot sculpture, admittedly, is not 100% true to the
original card as it does not have the laser turret on head, the missiles
are in a different position, and the facial painting is slightly
different. This was done intentionally as artistic license. The
main sections of the sculpture were covered with paper towels soaked in
white glue. The sculpture was painted with acrylic paint and airbrushed
with battle damage/burn marks and sealed with polyurethane. Roy Bot
was made in 2006, stands 23" high, and took about 6 weeks to complete."
The second sculpture shown is of the United
States Garbage Pail Kids 3rd series character 88a Dinah Saur / 88b Farrah
Fossil. Kris wrote about the sculpture: "'Farah Fossil' is a
sculpture based on Garbage Pail Kids card #88b. It is constructed
primarily of paper. The sculpture started as a plywood spine connected
to a wooden base. Each vertebra was made of Styrofoam and attached
to the wooden spine. This served as a basis for the rest of the
sculpture. Each of the larger bones was made of cardboard and rolled
newspaper and individually covered in paper towels soaked in glue. The
smaller bones were made of a soft, moldable foam product called Model Magic
and then covered in paper towels soaked in glue. The cranium was made
of a large newspaper ball, cut and shaped to accept teeth and eyes. The
sculpture, admittedly, does not follow the original card 100%. There
were certain liberties that I took to add additional detail, such as fully
articulate hands, that were not reflected in the original card. The
sculpture consists of 139 individual bones, each individually constructed
and painted. The entire sculpture was painted with acrylic paint and
airbrushed for detail and sealed with polyurethane. Farah Fossil was
finished in 2007, stands 20" high and 36" long, and took 12 weeks
to complete."
The third sculpture shown is of the United
States Garbage Pail Kids 3rd series character 108a Smelly Sally / 108b Fishy
Phyllis. Kris wrote about the sculpture: "'Smelly Sally #108a'
is a sculpture based on Garbage Pail Kids card # 108a. It is
constructed primarily of cardboard and paper. The sculpture started
as a Cabbage Patch Kid doll head and a series of newspaper balls. The
newspaper balls formed the body, arms, hands, and tail. To create the
fish scales, small squares of the bed sheet were folded, soaked in glue,
and attached to the body. The sardine can was constructed of a plywood
base with cardboard walls. A length of coaxial television cable served
as the lip around the opening of the sardine can. The entire sculpture
was covered in paper towel soaked in glue and painted with acrylic paint and
sealed with polyurethane. The fish scales and tail were sprayed with
glitter for added detail. Smelly Sally was made in 2006, stands roughly
24" high, and took 4 weeks to complete."
The forth sculpture shown is of the United
States Garbage Pail Kids 4th series character 108a Smelly Sally / 108b Fishy
Phyllis. Kris wrote about the sculpture: "'Trashed Tracy 129b'
is a sculpture based on Garbage Pail Kids card #129b. It is
constructed primarily of paper and also has parts made of wood and
wire. The sculpture started as a Cabbage Patch Kid doll head, which
was distressed (trashed) using a razor knife and sand paper. The
body, including the torso, right arm, hands, legs and feet are made of
cardboard covered with paper towels that had been soaked in white
glue. Great care was taken to mimic the exact position of the
limbs, accessories, and wounds of the original card. The sculpture
was painted with acrylic paints and sealed with polyurethane. Trashed
Tracy was made in 2006, stands 18" high, and took about 4 weeks
to complete." |

Costume - Diego Gonzalez: |
made his Adam Bomb card costume by first scanning in the original
card at a very high resolution. He then made some minor touch-ups,
removed the die-cut, and scaled the image to fit 42" wide, which
was the maximum size he was able to print the card at using an HP800
ColorJet printer. This gave him the idea to cut out a face hole
in the mushroom cloud. After printing the full size card's front
and back, he glued and sandwiched the pieces together onto cardboard.
He left the bottom open, so he would be able to slide through it.
He cut out holes for his hands in the place that Adam Bomb's hands
were located. He put together a cardboard detonator to hold,
and his wife painted his face to blend in with the mushroom cloud.
Diego created his costume for a 2003
Halloween party in San Diego at the 4th&B.
The party was sponsored by BrandX Morning Radio, and the event was
called the "Brandexorcism".
Roughly three to four hundred people were in attendance along with
two cover bands. A couple of local TV and radio personalities
were there to judge the contest (the most popular being the San Diego
Chicken). The three finalists were first voted on by the judges.
Then, they were taken on stage to be judged by the audience.
Diego's costume won the grand prize, which was a 2-night vacation
to the Hard Rock hotel in Las Vegas and $191 in gaming chips.
Congratulations Diego! |

Costume - James: |
created his Adam Bomb Halloween costume from scratch starting with
a wire frame that he put wall patching material over. He then
put a stocking over the frame and stuffed it with fake spider webbing.
He sewed the face in with a needle and thread and then painted the
entire head. He originally had a 1-foot explosion coming out
of the head, but it was too heavy.
James created the costume for a 2003
Halloween party in Buffalo, NY. James mentioned that he choose
Adam Bomb for his costume because that was the character he always
remembered spotting while search for Garbage Pail Kids cards at the
flea markets back in the early 1990s. |

Item - Diego Gonzalez: Russian Garbage Pail Kids Card: |
the avid Garbage Pail Kids fan he is, Diego created his own non-US
Garbage Pail Kids card for fun. For his card, he chose a country
that you would not expect to ever produce their own version of Garbage
Pail Kids. He decided on Russia, and he used one of his favorite
Garbage Pail Kids characters from the original United States Garbage
Pail Kids Series 1, 5a Dead Ted / 5b Jay Decay. For the other
side of his card, he used the United States Garbage Pail Kids Series
3 wanted card back, "Wanted: For Creating A Health Hazard -
For the text, he used an online
translator, which converted the text from English to Russian.
The title on the banner should roughly translate to "Trash
Buddies", and the character name should roughly translate to
"Rotting Vladimir". The wanted back should translate
close to what the the original, English text was.
The red border on the front of the card
was taken from the Argentina Garbage Pail Kids release called
"Basuritas & Monsters". The red border has a
unique, blood-dripping look, which is why Diego choose to use it
instead of a plain white border.
On some of the non-US Garbage Pail Kids
releases, the manufacturers had edited out any reference to the name
Garbage Pail Kids including "GPK" because their version
was not called Garbage Pail Kids. Following what some of those
non-US GPK manufacturers did, Diego decided to edit out the GPK that
appeared on the tombstone in the background of the painting.
Diego also choose to edit in a hammer and sickle since it was
supposed to be a Russian GPK card. This was similar to the
Italian Garbage Pail Kids (called Sgorbions) where the manufacturer
edited in soccer balls to some of the backgrounds.
After everything was ready, Diego printed
the design on thin, glossy paper and then cut out the individual
cards. The cards measured the standard 2.5" x 3.5".
Diego printed up a very small amount
of his Russian GPK cards and gave them to some of the other Garbage
Pail Kids collectors. In appreciation for working on Garbage
Pail Kids, Diego sent a couple of his Russian GPK cards to
John Pound. One card was for John Pound to keep, and the other
card was for John Pound to autograph and send back to Diego.
The card shown above was the one John Pound had autographed. |

- Hip Hop Hostile Takeover: |
graphic featuring the Garbage Pail Kids character Hot Head Harvey
/ Roy Bot was used for the Hip Hop Hostile Takeover flyer for Kulture
Entertainment's March 23rd 2002 show at the Emerson Theater located
in Indianapolis, IN. I am not sure why they choose to use a
Garbage Pail Kids character in the flyer. The event featured
a variety of hip hop artists and DJs. I unfortunately did not
get a print version of the flyer, so I do not know if it was just
a Xerox or high-quality color copy. |

- Murder Ranks: |
Ranks is a band from Denver, Colorado that was formed in
February of 2008. Their music is a combination of dub and
punk rock. Mike Buckley, the Garbage Pail Kids fan who
created a couple of paintings shown above, is a member of the
band and wrote me about their promtional CD.
The band's shaped, business card
CD was put together to promote an upcoming album. But,
this album will never be released because the band lost their
female singer, and they did not like the sound quality of the
recordings. Only 200 copies of this CD were made. The
CD features one track that runs about five minutes long.
The track contains samples from eight songs (1. Cowboys and
Indians, 2. Killing U2, 3. Broadway, 4. Save the Pixie!, 5. Too
Young (instrumental), 6. Killed a Girl, 7. Too Young, and 8.
Surgeon Technique) that would have been on the full album.
In-between the song samples are mixed excerpts that came from two
cardboard records. The two cardboard records were
originally advertisements for mail order record collections for
Bing Crosby and classical music.
The band decided to use Garbage
Pail Kids artwork for the CD cover because the CD was about as
small as a trading card. The Garbage Pail Kids artwork used
for the CD is from an unpublished painting by
John Pound. This artwork was originally created for the
United States Garbage Pail Kids Series 2,
but Topps decided not to use it. |

- The Nipples: |
Nipples are a band from Southern California that play primarily
in Los Angeles and Orange County. The band has been playing
together since the late-1990s. They are a punk band but not
in the traditional sense since they do not sing about political issues.
They decided not to force their views down listener's throats.
Instead, they remind listeners that life can always be fun.
With that in mind, they decided to come up with a catchy name that
was also funny, and The Nipples was the name that stuck.
The idea of the Garbage Pail Kids' artwork
on the CD was an easy choice for them. The singer, Art Teat,
is a devout Garbage Pail Kids fanatic. He contacted John
Pound and asked him if he would be willing to do the artwork.
The idea was to incorporate the band into the artwork as Garbage Pail
Kids. The idea was further enhanced by their song "Attack
of the Garbage Pail Kids", which was created back in 1997.
The title of the CD "Filthy Lyrics, Happy Kids" is a good
way to sum up the band, the CD, and the artwork. |

- The Nipples: Autographed Poster: |
Nipples were kind enough to send me one of their 11" x 17"
posters. The posters were used to promote the band and their
CD. As an added bonus, they had sent the poster over to John
Pound, so he could autograph it. |

- The Phantom Surfers: |
Phantom Surfers are punk/surf band from California. The poster
shown above was created by Russell Quan, one of the members of the
band, and was for their 1996 single for "Istanbul/Tokyo Twist".
The poster measures 11.5" x 17". I enlarged each of
the characters/band members shown on the poster, so you can see some
of the details a little better. "Swell Mel" is Mel
Bergman, "Maz Spazz" is Maz Kautuha, "Junky Johnny"
is Johnny Bartlett, and "Mike Mouth" is Mike Lucas.
The style of the poster was definitely influenced by Garbage Pail
Kids (e.g., name bubble, peel here arrow, character names, etc.). |

- Rebel Girl Underground: |
card for Rebel Girl Underground is from Chuck's Cellar in Waikikki
Hawaii. The card measures approximately the same size as a regular
Garbage Pail Kids card, 2.5" x 3.5", and it was used to
promote the all-female performer event. |

- Adam "Bomb" DeVore: |
sent me a photograph of the Adam Bomb tattoo on his arm. Adam
is a DJ (disc jockey) in Atlanta, Georgia. People have been
calling him "Adam Bomb" since he was young. When Adam
started DJing, he decided to go by the nickname "Adam
Bomb". Adam got some of the tattoo artwork done at
Graveside Tattoo, and the tattoo was finished at Psycho
Tat2. Since Adam has been on-air, another DJ had moved to
Atlanta, and he also goes by "Adam Bomb". However,
this other DJ works at a different radio station. Adam
mentioned that "Adam Bomb" may be becoming a generic
nickname for the name "Adam". |

- Penny Dreadful: |
was sent the photograph of the Graffiti Petey tattoo by Penny Dreadful.
Penny Dreadful is the singer of a Massachusetts band called Sh*tty
Kitty. Penny Dreadful is her stage name in the band. The
tattoo measures approximately 6" including the anarchy symbol.
The tattoo is located in the center of her back between the shoulder
blades. She had the tattoo done around 2001 at Tattoo City (700
Lombard St.) in San Francisco, CA by an artist named Dalton.
The anarchy symbol was done four or five months previous to the Graffiti
Petey tattoo. She thought it would be cool to have a punk rocker
spray painting the anarchy symbol on her back, which is why she added
in Graffiti Petey. She decided the Garbage Pail Kids character
Graffiti Petey since it represented her naughty/prankster nature and
her issues with authority, and it was also a generational/child-of-the-1980s
thing. For the tattoo, Graffiti Petey's sneakers were changed
to combat boots because she thought that would look cooler.
When I was asking her about the tattoo, she emphasized that the character
was specifically Graffiti Petey and NOT New Wave Dave. |

- Jim Stasio Jr.: |
sent me the photograph of his Garbage Pail Kids logo tattoo. Jim had
collected Garbage Pail Kids since he was 5. Some of Jim's favorite
moments as a kid revolved around Garbage Pail Kids, and in a way, Garbage
Pail Kids represented his childhood. Jim wanted to show the world his
passion for Garbage Pail Kids, but at the same time he also wanted to remember
the child he once was made him the man he is today. The reason Jim
decided to get a Garbage Pail Kids logo tattoo instead of a tattoo of one of
the Garbage Pail Kids characters is that he had too many favorite characters,
and the logo tattoo would represent all of the characters. Jim got the
tattoo in late 1999, which was shortly after he graduated high school.
The tattoos surrounding the banner came after an additional 2 sittings over
the next three years, and what is shown in the picture above was completed in
2002. In my opinion, the logo tattoo looks significantly better with
the surrounding tattoos, and they all blend together well. At the time
Jim got the tattoos, tattoo shops in Massachusetts were illegal. Jim
ended up having a tattoo party at his house in Salem, Massachusetts, and
tattoo artist Tim Targett from Danvers, Massachusetts did all of the
artwork for Jim's tattoos.