were three different items found in the United Kingdom Garbage Pail Kids
Gross Sticker Cards packs. Topps
Europe Limited refers to the items as sticker cards because they are
stickers on card backing, but I will refer to the items as cards.
Each pack contained cards, foil cards, and an order form for a Garbage
Pail Kids binder (more information on this item is listed below under
Additional Items).
I provided samples of what the cards and
items of the series look like. The first and last cards and foil
cards are shown above. There also are image overviews of all of
the cards and foil cards. The three checklists for the release can
also be seen above. The purpose of the samples and image overviews
is to give you a preview of the release. Higher quality images of
these items will not be provided on this website or by request.
The cards and foil cards are the same size
as the United States Garbage Pail
Kids cards ((3.5" x 2.5") or (88.9 mm x 63.5 mm)), which
was unusual since all of the cards for the pervious United Kingdom Garbage
Pail Kids/The Garbage Gang series were smaller in size ((3.0" x 2.1")
or (76.2 mm x 54.0 mm)).
The cards and foil cards did not have die-cuts,
and the "Peel Here" arrows point towards the top-left corner
of each card.
The numbering was also very different than
the previous United Kingdom Garbage Pail Kids/The Garbage Gang series
because there were no "a" or "b" cards. The
cards were numbered 1 to 48, and the foil cards were numbered F1 to F10.
The three checklists for the release were
also unusual. The checklists were numbered 1/3, 2/3, and 3/3.
The checklist for the 10 foil cards, checklist 1/3, was printed on the
back of card 46. The checklist for cards 1 to 24, checklist 2/3,
was printed on the back of card 47. The checklist for cards 25 to
48, checklist 3/3, was printed on the back of card 48. A large font
was used for the checklists since there were so few items listed on them.
The card numbers and characters names on the checklist all fit in one
column and were in the center of the checklist. The foil card checklist
numbering was left-justified, and the card checklist numbering was right-justified.
All of the character names on the checklist were in upper-case.
The release consisted of characters from
the United States Garbage Pail Kids
All-New Series 1 and the United
States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 2. Since there were
only 58 cards total (48 cards and 10 foil cards) for the United Kingdom
Garbage Pail Kids Gross Sticker Cards, not all of the characters from
the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 1 and the United States
Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 2 were used. Only one character
from each card number would be used (e.g., 1a or 1b but not both 1a and
1b). Most of the card artwork from United States Garbage Pail Kids
All-New Series 1 was used except for three paintings: 8a Derailed Derek
/ 8b Train Wreck Trevor, 11a Jarred Jared / 11b Carly Cue, and 20a Sprayed
Ray / 20b Alex Terminated. All ten of the foil cards were from the
United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 1. There were 37
characters used from the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series
1 cards, 10 characters used from the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New
Series 1 foil cards, 8 characters used from the United States Garbage
Pail Kids All-New Series 2 cards, and 3 characters used from the United
States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 2 scratch 'n stink cards.
There were 37 vertically displayed cards
and 9 horizontally displayed cards. All 10 of the foil cards were
vertically displayed.
The fronts of the cards seemed to have a
glossier finish compared to the backs of the cards. The glossiness
was not like the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series, which
was a plus since a thick coating of gloss seems to cause the cards to
stick to one another. The foil on the foil cards had a similar look
to silver.
The cards and foil cards were both printed
on the same type of card stock. It was nice that the foil cards
were printed on regular card stock opposed to being printed on the thinner
card stock like the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series foil
cards because the cards printed on the thicker card stock are less prone
to getting damaged.
The cards and foil cards from the United
Kingdom Garbage Pail Kids Gross Sticker Cards were not cut as smoothly
as the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series cards because the
cutting methods used in the manufacturing process were different.
It was not uncommon to find cards from the United Kingdom Garbage Pail
Kids Gross Sticker Cards with one or two corners or edges that had slight
The character names that were misspelled
in the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 1 were left that
way for the United Kingdom Garbage Pail Kids Gross Sticker Cards.
For foil card F2, the name Thin Lynne was used by mistake. In the
original United Kingdom Garbage Pail Kids 1st Series,
the name was spelled as Thin Lynn (without the "e" at the end
of the name), which is how the character's name should have been spelled
in the United Kingdom Garbage Pail Kids Gross Sticker Cards. For
foil card F4, the name Brainy Janey was used by mistake. In the
original United Kingdom Garbage Pail Kids 1st Series, the name was spelled
as Brainy Janie (with "ie" at the end of the name instead of
"ey"), which is how the character's name should have been spelled
in the United Kingdom Garbage Pail Kids Gross Sticker Cards.
There are subtle differences between some
of the cards from the United Kingdom Garbage Pail Kids Gross Sticker Cards
and the cards from the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series
1 and the United States Garbage Pail Kids All-New Series 2: the alignment
of the text inside of the character name ovals may be higher or lower,
the full image (everything except the Peel Here arrow, name oval, and
card number) can be zoomed in or shifted over slightly, the banner text
color may be changed to another color, the color of the name oval may
be changed to another color, or the banner may cover over additional portions
of the full image. |