General Information
Year Released 1987
Card Numbers 418a-459a and 418b-459b
Number of Cards to Make a Numerical Set 84
Number of Variation Cards 4
Number of Cards to Make a Complete Variation Set 88
Total Number of Different Wrappers 2
Section Last Updated January 1, 2015
Card and Wrapper Variations
Card Variations
Wrapper Variations
Printable Card and Wrapper Variation Checklist
     You can either click the following link to open the variation checklist in a new window and print it out, or you can right-click the following link and save the variation checklist to your computer.  United States Garbage Pail Kids 11th Series Card and Wrapper Variation Checklist
Printable Extended Card Variation Checklist
     The extended card variation checklist contains all of the card variations noted in the regular variation checklist plus any asterisk and card finish differences.  These differences are typically not considered variations, which is why they were excluded from the regular variation checklist.
     You can either click the following link to open the variation checklist in a new window and print it out, or you can right-click the following link and save the variation checklist to your computer.  United States Garbage Pail Kids 11th Series Extended Card Variation Checklist
Card Image Samples
First card of the United States Garbage Pail Kids 11th Series Last card of the United States Garbage Pail Kids 11th Series
Image overview of cards 418a to 459a of the United States Garbage Pail Kids 11th Series
Image overview of cards 418a to 459a of the United States Garbage Pail Kids 11th Series
Card checklist of the United States Garbage Pail Kids 11th Series
Additional Notes
Card 458a (printed without green bar at bottom of chair post) of the United States Garbage Pail Kids 11th Series Card 458a (printed with green bar at bottom of chair post) of the United States Garbage Pail Kids 11th Series
Card 458b (printed without green bar at bottom of chair post) of the United States Garbage Pail Kids 11th Series Card 458b (printed with green bar at bottom of chair post) of the United States Garbage Pail Kids 11th Series
Card 459a (printed with all green vomit on far right) of the United States Garbage Pail Kids 11th Series Card 459a (printed with half green/half pink vomit on far right) of the United States Garbage Pail Kids 11th Series
Card 459b (printed with a double line splotch between "KI") of the United States Garbage Pail Kids 11th Series Card 459b (printed with a single line splotch between "KI") of the United States Garbage Pail Kids 11th Series
     It is very difficult to see the variations for card numbers 458a Dental Hy Gene, 458b Rudy Canal, 459a Vomi Ted, and 459b Juicy Jules, which was why I provided a more detailed description of the variations.
     The variations are identical for 458a Dental Hy Gene and 458b Rudy Canal.  If you look closely at the 458a Dental Hy Gene and 458b Rudy Canal card images above, you will be able to see that the images on the left show the cards printed correctly, and the images on the right show the cards with a green bar printed all the way at the bottom of the chair.
     For card 459a Vomi Ted, the image on the left shows an all green vomit puddle on the far-right of the card, and the image on the right shows a half green/half pink vomit puddle on the far-right of the card.
      For card 459b Juicy Jules, the image on the left shows a double line vomit splotch between the "KI" on the Garbage Pail Kids banner of the card, and the image on the right shows a single line vomit splotch between the "KI" on the Garbage Pail Kids banner of the card.
     A couple of other items to note are that card numbers 448a Touch Toni and 451a Destroyed Lloyd only come with their name ovals on the front of the card in red, and card numbers 448b Phoney Joni and 451b Tinsel Tim only come with their name ovals on the front of the card in yellow.
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All images and information may not be reproduced without permission.