General Information
Year Released 1986
Card Numbers 1a-41a
Number of Cards to Make a Numerical Set 41
Number of Variation Cards 3
Number of Cards to Make a Complete Variation Set 44
Total Number of Different Wrappers 1
Section Last Updated January 1, 2015
Card and Wrapper Variations
Card Variations
Wrapper Variations
Printable Card and Wrapper Variation Checklist
     You can either click the following link to open the variation checklist in a new window and print it out, or you can right-click the following link and save the variation checklist to your computer.  Germany Garbage Pail Kids Card and Wrapper Variation Checklist
Card Image Samples
First card of the Germany Garbage Pail Kids Last card of the Germany Garbage Pail Kids
Back of card 39a of the Germany Garbage Pail Kids
Card checklist of the Germany Garbage Pail Kids
Comparison List
     The following list compares the card numbers and character names of the Germany Garbage Pail Kids to the United States Garbage Pail Kids.  The Germany Garbage Pail Kids card number and character name are listed first.  The United States Garbage Pail Kids Series is listed next.  The United States Garbage Pail Kids card number and character name are then listed.  This list will allow you to see what artwork was used for a certain card number, it will allow you to see how the series was arranged, and it will allow you to compare the names of the characters.  The Germany Garbage Pail Kids cards with an asterisk before the number are different than the United States Garbage Pail Kids 1st Series.
     The character names and text on the Germany Garbage Pail Kids cards is in German.  The overall design of the set is more similar to the United Kingdom Garbage Pail Kids 1st Series than the United States Garbage Pail Kids 1st Series.
Newspaper Article
     The article below was from a newspaper sold in Germany.  I am unsure of the exact date, but I estimate that it was around 1986.  I was fortunate enough to find someone to translate the article from German to English for me.  The article discusses the controversy over the Germany Garbage Pail Kids.
Germany Garbage Pail Kids newspaper article
Tasteless candy for children
   Chewing gum with "Atom-Anton" and "Fauligue Paula"
        Horror stickers disturb parents and authorities / signs of an invasion?
     Every morning there is a struggle at the bakeries: Martina Fischer and her son Jan discuss whether to buy gummy snakes, honey mussels and sherbet sticks as well as bread rolls.  For the past few days it concerns more than candy: 8 year old Jan finds the new chewing gum "really great", however not because of the taste but because of the stickers that come with it.
     For example # 8a: A little man with big wide eyes is pressing on a button.  His head explodes and a bright mushroom cloud shoots out - "Atom-Anton" is at work.  He belongs to the "Garbage Pail Kids", the Mülleimerkinder in German.  Just recently three pictures of these creatures together with the chewing gum can be bought at the bakeries or in the supermarket for 50 pfennigs: "Elektro-Otto" who writhes with pain in an electric chair, "Fauligue Paula" who crawls out of the grave eaten by worms or "Der kaputte Franz" who's arms and legs are cut off.  On the back of the stickers are "certificates of stupidity", an "entitlement to cheat", "permission to tell tales", and other such witty certificates.
     Instead of Donald Duck stickers, the children of Munich now swap horror stickers.  "These stickers have been an enormous success in England", said a spokesman for DOK, the importer of these candies made in Ireland.
     The article is still in the test phase; the terrible chewing gum is offered to dealers in a package along with harmless gummy bears and other candies.  However that will change: soon the Garbage Pail Kids will be sold as a separate article.  The little customers between 7 and 14 years old are enthusiastic, the importers as well.  The turn over increases from week to week.
     Apparently the company that chose these brutal pictures has no scruples.  An employee responsible for the pictures said, "One shouldn't domineer over the children.  They decide what they like themselves - and they like our pictures.  There's also bloodshed in fairy tales like Hansel and Gretel."
     For Martina Fischer it concerns more than whether they like these visions of horror or not.  "If I ban him from buying them he'll see them at his friends where there's a flourishing trade in swaps.", she says and thus loses the struggle in the store with a bad conscience.  "I don't want to buy Jan the chewing gum cards because I think such scenes of violence could harm him."
     "With these cards children are targeted with violence and evil.  Their feelings with respect to horror and brutality become blunted.  In my opinion those responsible are extremely irresponsible", said Helga Büttner, youth protection officer of the Munich youth authorities.  However she can't do much about these pictures.  If she, as representative of the youth authorities, considers that a product is undesirable, she makes representations to the national office for undesirable literature in Bonn.  It is decided there whether the product may continue to be sold or not.
     However because of the bureaucracy it takes between two months and a year to decide about a ban.  "Particularly with toys and candies the decision makers in Bonn often can't agree whether a product has a bad influence on youth or not.  It is usually not possible to include such a product in the 'Index'," Helga Büttner regrets.  However in the case of the chewing gum she will request a ban although things such as a direct attack of the horror figure on a second creature necessary for certain inclusion in the "Index" are missing.  "So it doesn't concern direct violence but rather 'only' horror.  Not only that, every card would have to be included separately in the 'Index'.  So we don't have much chance to ban the horror stickers," the guardian of youth believes.
     So there will still be the discussions between mother and son every morning about the sense and nonsense of these candies - about "Killer-Karl" who raves as a Rambo punk with knuckle duster, dynamite and machine gun, up to his tricks between the pretzels and the plum tarts.
Additional Notes
     The Germany Garbage Pail Kids were sold as a test run to see how well the product would do in Germany.  At the time of the Germany Garbage Pail Kids' release, the cards were very controversial, and parents did not approve of them.  Children liked the set, but no other Garbage Pail Kids sets were sold in Germany because of the complaints made by parents.  Supposedly, vendors took the product off their store shelves because those complaints.  It is somewhat difficult to find any of the Germany Garbage Pail Kids product.
     Even though no other Garbage Pail Kids releases were sold in Germany, the Die Total Kaputten Kids and Ekel-Kids were sold there, but neither of those releases did well.
     The Germany Garbage Pail Kids was modeled after the United Kingdom Garbage Pail Kids 1st Series.  The Germany Garbage Pail Kids pack wrappers are exactly the same as the United Kingdom Garbage Pail Kids 1st Series pack wrappers.  The wrappers have listings of the ingredients in several different languages, and one of the listings is in German.  The usage of multiple languages for the ingredient listings allowed the manufacturer to use the same wrappers for the United Kingdom Garbage Pail Kids 1st Series and for the Garbage Pail Kids test sets (Belgium, Holland, and Germany).
     The Germany Garbage Pail Kids consist of only the "a" cards.  There are 41 "a" cards and 3 variation cards, which is exactly half as many cards as the United Kingdom Garbage Pail Kids 1st Series.  The variation cards for the Germany Garbage Pail Kids are the same card numbers as the United Kingdom Garbage Pail Kids 1st Series.  The white arrow on the front of the cards that contained the text "PEEL HERE" for most of the Garbage Pail Kids releases in English contained the text "HIER ABZIEHEN" for the Germany Garbage Pail Kids release.
     The three checklist cards denote card number 42 as the checklist, but there is no card number 42 for the Germany Garbage Pail Kids.  The checklist shows the set was arranged numerically and does not indicate that the cards had an "a" after the card number.
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